Lockdown Projects

I guess we're all finding new things to do with ourselves during lockdown, and seeing the world with new eyes perhaps. I've always been fascinated with high speed photography. I decided to try and photograph water drops colliding. I use a Pluto Trigger, and purpose made drip valve which connects to the trigger. I also use a Nikon SB900 speed light, and a Godox wireless transmitter receiver. It's the speed of the flash that captures the motion and not the shutter speed. The speed light power is reduced to 1/128 which is about 1/20,000 of a second. The trick to getting this right is the timing of the trigger which is controlled by an App on my iPhone. So much fun, it's actually a little addictive. The temperature of the liquid, in this case, water with food colouring, the volume of liquid in the valve, and the height that the valve is suspended on my tripod all influence the image. A lot of trial and error involved in the beginning. I've tried milk as well, but that only works well when it's really cold. More to play with here, especially colour combinations, and lighting angles.